Testimonials, Reviews & Previous Events



  • "Oliver provided us with an extraordinary experience of relaxing and enjoying nature. His expert guidance and calmness inspired us to connect with our body and mind in new ways"
  • "In a completely unknown, but extremely likable way, we gained an insight into the benefits and power of a holistic approach! A new dimension of spiritual and physical potential happens when you deal with yourself in the right way because "I am everything I want". 
  • "Oliver inspired us to continue to nurture a connection with ourselves and explore the limitless possibilities within"


DAVE EDWARDS. Footballer for Wolverhampton Wanderers FC, Reading FC & Wales National Football team.

"Oli and I work together aiming for me to achieve peak performance; via many methods.

We've looked at nutrition and my diet.

Additionally, we've gone over dietary supplementation. This included specific supplement protocols when I was looking to recover from a metatarsal injury prior to the Euro 2016 tournament with Wales.

Another key area is the mental aspect of performance, in particular meditation. I'd already been very interested in this topic, so Oli and I have a very productive relationship as a result.

Finally, training with Oli is very engaging. I feel it's great for my body and mind. I've always said that 1 hour goes by very quickly!"


Carl Ikeme. Footballer for Wolves FC & Nigeria National Football team.

"I've known  Oli since 2016.  Oli has a comprehensive knowledge of health, wellness and also the workings of the mind. His priority is to raise my game using many techniques.

Fitness sessions with Oli are unique in that they are tailor-made to the needs of the client. On days that I need more rest or have a strain, Oli can design specific  sessions to keep me supple and flexible."



Danny Batth. Footballer for Stoke City FC, Wolves FC, Middlesbrough FC.

I have private fitness sessions and group fitness sessions with Oli. It keeps my body in peak flexibility. It’s both challenging and relaxing and is a natural injury prevention tool. His mental work is great for the mind and getting into a positive mental perspective.

We talk juicing, nutrition, and lifestyle. I feel physically and emotionally really well.

I'd highly recommend Oli to anyone looking to improve their health or athletic performance"


Andy Lonergan. Footballer for Liverpool, Wolverhampton Wanderers FC, Leeds FC, West Bromwich Albion FC.

"I started working with Oli early 2017 and can't speak highly enough of him.

The sessions were perfect for what we needed as athletes and as people.

The sessions were mainly based on flexibility and relaxation and I always felt 10 times better after I left the studio than before I walked in.

I'd have liked to have spent more time with Oli as I know he has a lot to offer to people in any walk of life! Thanks Oli"


Mike Williamson. Footballer for Newcastle United FC, Wolverhampton Wanderers FC.

"Oliver is so passionate about  performance, health and well being. I would definitely recommend him.

Nutrition played a big part.  E.g. juicing, meal timing, meal plans etc. Questions like: 'What can I eat on match day to be energised, but still feel light on my feet?' We also went over food shopping and which foods will boost me.

He helps clients to harness their own mind as a positive tool. It's a big part of his coaching work."